From the National Catholic Register:
While studying the New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism, I paused at this sentence…At Holy Communion, when we go up to the Banquet Table (the altar rail), Our Lord comes to us. I had always thought of the Banquet Table as the main altar where the priest makes present Christ’s sacrifice. It had never occurred to me that the altar rail was something more than a divider from the sanctuary, but that it is actually an extension of the altar—the people’s altar. It is the place where we bring our own sacrifices as we wait to be united in communion with Our Lord and with each other, the Church.
The Deeper Meaning of Receiving at the Altar Rail
From: "The Holy Mass" explained by Catalina by Jesus and Mary
When I went to receive communion, Jesus told me: “The Last Supper was
the moment of the greatest intimacy with My own. During that
hour of love, I established what could be thought of as the greatest
act of lunacy in the eyes of men, that of making Myself a prisoner of
Love. I established the Eucharist. I wanted to remain with you
until the end of the centuries because My Love could not bear that
you remained orphans, you whom I loved more than My life.”
To read the whole story go to:The Testimony of Catalina on the Holy Mass
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As I reflect on this past year and the words of our Lord through Catalina Rivas of Cochabamba, Bolivia, I wanted to take the opportunity to share with you my love for the Holy and Sacred Eucharist. Our Lord laid down His life for you and for me, but He did not leave us orphans. He remains with us in the flesh through the Eucharist. My soul longs to give Him the love and adoration He so richly deserves by providing the St. Christopher community the opportunity draw nearer to Christ during Communion. This is the reason for the gift of the Communion rails. It provides you the quiet reflective time to be as close to the altar as possible to view and contemplate Jesus’ sacrifice for you and to comfortably receive the Eucharist kneeling before our Lord. It is a beautiful moment that I invite you to experience. As our Lord does, I only invite you to experience it so if you are not comfortable or are unable able to kneel at the communion rail, please remain standing behind the rails to receive the Eucharist. May the Lord fill you with His love and mercy through His precious gift of His Body and Blood.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Wojciech